Our Programs
Preschool and Kindergarten 2.9 to 6 years olds
The multi-age curriculum is designed with the understanding that children learn best through real-life activities that support independence, concrete experiences that engage the senses, and open-ended exploration. This leads to the refinement of their movements, sensory perceptions, language and intellect development. Children thrive through opportunities to follow their own interests and freely choose their own scaffolded activities. Through guided exploration they develop independence,concentration and curiosity.
Montessori materials for the primary age are designed to support self-directed discovery and learning. They are organized around Practical Life activities that develop both independence and concentration; Sensorial activities that refine and develop the child’s senses; the development of Spoken Language, Writing and Reading skills; and Mathematical activities that develop fundamental mathematical concepts; and Cultural activities that include geography, history, biology, science, music, and the arts.
Program Hours
Half Day Program (3.5hrs):
Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 12:00pm
Full Day Program (6hrs):
Monday -Friday, 8:30am – 2:30pm
Extended Day Plan B (8hrs):
Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 4:30pm
Before and After Care
Before Care (1hr):
Monday – Friday, 7:30am –8:30pm
After Care (1hr):
Monday – Friday, 4:30am – 5:30pm
On-demand before and after care is available for families that have occasional needs.
Children are dropped off and picked up by parents and caregivers.
*There is ample parking at the municipal parking lot across from our building.
Lunch & Snacks
Parents should provide their children with a packed lunch every day (unless the child is in the Half-Day Program.) The school will serve healthy snack twice a day. Parents will share the duty of purchasing snacks once every few months.

The child who has felt a strong love for his surroundings and for all living creatures, who has discovered joy and enthusiasm in work, gives us reason to hope that humanity can develop in a new direction.
- Dr. Maria Montessori